Friday, November 4, 2016

Gun Control

I created this blog to have a forum to express thoughts on political, social and cultural matters. I do not intend to create arguments but to create discussion in a thoughtful way on changes needed in our institutions and society.

We have a federated system of government.  Our nation is made up of 50 states, each with unique cultural history and heritage.  Problems should be dealt with at the lowest level of government.  That would allow for different approaches in different states and some would be more successful than others.  The federated system should be an asset in problem solving not a problem creator.   Some people seem to think that the federal government should solve everything nationwide.  To do so we lose the ability to handle things in a unique way for each state.

This blog will deal mainly with how my state, Arizona, can deal with the problems of the day.

Gun Control and Gun Violence!

Think about our state, its people and its heritage.  We have a long history of gun ownership and the use of firearms for the protection of oneself and family.  We probably still are society of rugged individualist capable of caring for ourselves.  Most gun violence does not stem from avid gun owners but from those not well versed in gun ownership.  

To deal with this problem I suggest a state somewhat modeled after the Swiss.  A well trained militia being necessary for the protection of the state and its people, I suggest that every Arizona citizen between the ages of 18 and 70 be trained and armed.  It should be a stated goal of our state. I propose that following legislation.

General Goal: A well trained militia being necessary for the protection of the state and its people every citizen is encouraged to seek firearm training and obtained personal firearms.

Specific acts: 

1. In all schools, firearm training is required.  Each student as a minumum shall receive 10 hour of instruction in small arms use and safety, 10 hours of rifle training, 10 hours of safety training and 10 hours of defensive non-firearm training.  Said training shall occur between the ages of 10 and 18.

2. To encourage adult training, the above training shall be made available to adults at its cost by all
public schools

3  To encourage citizens to have sufficient arms, tax incentives should be given for the purchase of standardized firearms.  Standardized firearms being the AR 15 rifle in .223,  1873 Winchester rifle in .45, and the 1873 Colt or clone in 45 caliber and the 1911 in .45. 

There are a lot more details to be added, but the above would be a start.  I envision a state where citizens are trained and able to care for themselves.  Where young people get their firearm training in a classroom by trained adults, not by some video game or some thug.  I trust my 6 to 9 year old grand kids with firearms much more than I would trust the average citizen of Arizona. My grand kids know and follow the rules.  Many of our citizens have no concept of basic firearm skills and safety.

I bet gun violence and criminal gun usage would go way down in a state where all were well trained and well armed.  

Let's make use of our heritage and cultural and show the rest of the nation how it should be done.