Thursday, November 5, 2020

If Bidens Wins....?

Think about it a bit, if Bidens wins, China has won.  One candidate was bought by the Chinese Communists. Prior to the election he took millions of dollars.  It is common knowledge that this has happened.  His family has taken bribes for years from whoever will pay it for influence.  The Chinese candidate has been bought and paid for prior to the election.  Apparently, it did not matter to many.


China then releases a virus that devastates the USA. Our President falls into the trap and takes responsibility for the disaster.  It is his personal failing, ego, wanting to take responsibility for everything.  There is a very good article about the federal government's malfeasance in this matter published by Hillsdale College. The gist of the article is that health care is not a federal function.  The correct response was to simply say, "It not my job."  But our President wants to claim all glory so he gets the burden of the crashed economy.


How is it that here in Arizona, thousands would come out for rallies for the democratic candidate and at the same time less than 10 or 15 people would come out for the Chinese candidate. Well, they played the virus card very well.  The scared the majority with the virus.  They shifted the blame to the incumbent.  The Chinese candidate appeared weak and in need of constant help for everything.  We can not leave our homes without a mask.  We can not work.  We can not gather.  We must remain in constant fear.  This has been a great ruse.  China has scared us into electing their candidate and candidates.


The irony is that the overall death rate will be lower in 2020 than in 2019.  There is really nothing to fear but fear itself. (Heh, I think I have just pulled a Biden.)  If we had just let the disease run it's course, it would probably be over by now.  This virus is just like all natural virus that have come before it.  It will be over when nature says it is over.  When those who are going get it, get it, recover, or die from it, and not before then.  The only difference has been that this virus has been created and used as a political tool, very successfully I might add.


On a personal note, I have to decide whether I am going to attend a sporting function that will be held in close quarters, without masks, with a large group of folks from around the country. I want to go, I love the folks, it will be a great time, but my lovely wife tells me that it is not safe to go,  that my responsibility is to my family and I should stay home.  My partner of 40 years just lost his wife to the virus and one of my classmates has died from the virus among others in my hometown on the plains.  Should I cower in my home or should I venture forth.  We shall see. I will regret either decision, although both are correct.

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